
It's definitely difficult to sum up Clara in a single word, though some words that would be in the mix include 'joy', 'happy', 'aware', 'positive', 'supportive', and 'good-humoured'.

As someone who is more of an outside observer, it is neat to see the interactions Clara has with others at school. Regardless of the location, the locker, the classroom, the halls, Clara's discussions often centre on the positive side of life. She is encouraging and supportive of everyone. I have a wide variety of students that spend time with me at lunch, for example, and when Clara drops in, she is always comfortable with everyone who might be there, and she confidently joins whatever conversation may be underway. She easily validates the comments of others, and often shows people that they have value in whatever part of the universe they inhabit.

Personally, I find Clara a great sport - she "puts up" with my "dark side", and easily plays along with my "evil facade". It's fun to play with words, and it's a treat to have others join in. Clara has always provided good humour in discussion, and through this demonstrates her wit as well as her enthusiasm for people.

Generally, her confidence, intelligence, and positive attitude add to whatever situation she finds herself in. I can't think of a time where anyone has been put off by Clara, and certainly, I cannot imagine anyone who knows her, even remotely, not liking her.

Certainly, no one is without certain flaws or challenges, but in my opinion, Clara's character, her joy for life and the people in it, allows her to find the good in things.

There's nothing wrong with a little goodness, eh? Even on the dark side! :)

-Mr. Jutila, High School English Teacher